Jacquelyn Gioertz & Karina Giörtz present

Why is it that some people live magical lives, manifesting everything they want and making it look easy, while others struggle to get by, wishing they knew the secret these “others” must know?

Well, guess what... there is no secret!

The only thing those others know that you might not yet, is that you already possess the power to create your own magical life.

That would be awesome if it were true, huh?     Ah, but it is...

Here's How it Works

Magic starts in your mind. No it’s true.
That trash talking, million thoughts a day, meaning making machine is capable of capital M Magic.

Say What?

Think about this for a moment. The computer you are reading this on was once a thought. Ice cubes? Thought. Dragons? Thought! Everything we find both unimaginable and ordinary was once a thought. (P.S. there’s nothing ordinary about a dragon, ice cubes maybe, not dragons, we're just sayin')

"Come on now, it can't be that simple" you're thinking.

Oh, but yes, yes it can. You see creating a magical life (complete with dragons) is simple -- but unless you learn and master the steps, it will not be easy.

Here’s some really good news--you are not in this creating thing alone.

Heck no, and we're guessing you are already in touch with this always available, super supportive, granter of all dreams and intentions--the Universe!

You may have a different name for it--God, Source, my Inner Guidance, Higher Power--it's all good--She answers to them all.

And She always answers if you do your part.

What's Your Part?

Think. Act. Believe.

Some of you reading this right now are familiar with this formula--thoughts, asking the universe, believing.

You are doing your affirmations or mantras, you're practicing the exercises in the many books you've read—and you've read a lot—about Law of Attraction, the Magic of the Universe, the Power of Positive Thinking.

And you feel embarrassed, almost shame, because you're still struggling, still don't have that soul mate, can't get the clients you need...

Look, it’s not your fault. Nor are the authors of some of the books and programs you've read and participated in misleading you.


I'd be happy to get on the phone with you


What's missing is the day to day magic.

You mean like altars, incense, spells, and Ouija boards?

Yes, and No. You can use any and all tools that engage your inner guidance and open you up to the truth of who you are, so you can believe in the power within.

But they aren't necessary.

Here's what we know is necessary:
The recipe above PLUS a community of like-minded magic seekers, visionaries, world changers, and students of Universal Law.

If you've been seeking for a place to learn, grow, and hang with others who know that the truth of who they are is more than their minds can register and you know you need support to stay in this power, then we have an invitation;

Think of it as Magic School

This isn't like most schools though. For one thing, we believe in magic, miracles, and having fun. When was the last time school used those as reasons to show up?

And second, our "curriculum" will allow you to learn at your own pace, attend live or later, and study any or all of our subjects. Everything you want in the realms of Universal Law, Sacred Teachings, Rituals, and Ancient Wisdom will be covered.

Want to know what else we think is different? You!

The people who want to play with us in Wildly Magical School. We're a really diverse—and powerful group. Witches, (the good kind), guides, healers, shamans, seekers, teachers, and world changers. Yup, everyday normal people who live by the belief that they create their lives using the Magic of their imagination and creativity. (And a good dose of the unseen mystical forces that make it all more fun!)

Still Have Questions?

Schedule a call with me


Wildly Magical is a monthly membership community unlike all the others but there are a few pieces you'll find familiar:

Every month you will have access to 2 Live teachings where we’ll be guiding you in all aspects of how to engage the Magic of the Universe, deal with sabotage, manifest like a master, what tools you need to engage with your guides, and so much more.

These virtual gatherings give you a chance to ask us anything.

We want to be sure you know how to use the teachings. Share wins, get unstuck, get to know each other.

24/7 access to a private group membership page so you can always chat with other Magical Peeps to collaborate and build friendships. Karina and I will be ready to jump in and coach, support, and cheer you on.

Here's a sneak peak at what we're conjuring up for the monthly calls

Magic School Basics

Everything is just energy - What the heck does that mean anyway?

Sabotage Happens - Sometimes you do it to yourself!

Manifesting Masterpiece That's you!

As they say on TV, "but wait - there's more!"

It wouldn't be much of a fun community if all you did was learn by yourself. So every month, in addition to live trainings we'll be hosting meet and greets on Zoom—a truly magical thing where we can all see each other from anywhere in the world. These community get-togethers will allow Karina and me to answer your questions, support you in mastering this magic universe stuff, and celebrate the wins along the way.

AND...because all of this virtual stuff can leave us feeling empty at times we're offering optional, wildly wonderful gift boxes filled with special tools, treats, and inspiration. Every item in the box is has hand selected by me and Karina—with occasional help from our littlest fairy, Ella—and will reflect the theme for the month in our live classes.

Each box might include inspirational coffee mugs, crystals, candles, journals, oracle cards, essential oils or anything else we think you'll fall in love with.

One thing we know for sure after teaching and living this stuff for so many years is, we need reminders around us. Think of the goodies in the box as divinely inspired nudges or prompts to keep your vibration high and your thoughts aligned to what you most desire from life.

There are 3 ways you can play with us and learn to unleash the magic

Each level is designed to support you, guide you, and expand your beliefs around and powerful use of the laws of creation and manifestation.

The Apprentice Experience - $37 per month

For those who are just getting started or who are already playing with the magic of the universe but want to learn more and have a community by their side as they create magic in their lives. through the monthly teachings, virtual meet and greets, and the private, 24/7 online membership site. 

The Wise One Experience - $54 per month

Experience the live calls, Q & A, our private community PLUS a monthly, specially curated package of magical tools delivered to your home!

The third level of the program is definitely not for everyone,
but of course anyone is welcome.

It's for those who are more fully engaged with law of attraction, manifestation, vibration and energy. It’s for you if you are ready to have a personal mentor, every month, who will hold your vision for you and keep you in action around your dreams.

The Totally Mystical Magical Experience - $147 per month

You begin with a kick-off call to assess where you are and where your divine self is calling you to go. Then, in addition to the (2) monthly classes and meet and greets, you will have (1) 30-minute coaching call each month you are a member of the program at this level (Value $297).

You will also have a chance for deep dive, live conversations with specially chosen experts to reinforce all you are learning and practicing to lead to mastery. There's one more very special element at this level: specially curated boxes of magical tools delivered to your home!

The value of the coaching call alone is more than the monthly investment. How would your life be different if you knew you had someone to talk to, pick you up when you're down, and belief with you in those big bold dreams so you don’t lose sight.

What would you have in your life that you don’t have now?

Size - for surprise gifts!

So, 3 different ways to engage the magic of the universe with expert guides to lead the way.

And yet...

We know it can be hard to believe in magic—that you have the magic in you to create that life you so badly want. That's why we created the Wildly Magical Community.

Think of the community and our monthly teachings and get-togethers as holding space for you. Seeing your brilliance for you until you have eyes to see it for yourself.

Life is nothing but a series of decisions; moment to moment, day after day. Right now, you are faced with one. And we want to make it easy for you to say "Yes" to yourself and joining us.

You have the opportunity to become a founding member of the Wildly Magical community. What that means is you can not only join at The Totally Mystical Magical Experience level for $147 per month, you will get a one on one kick-off call with me, Jacquelyn, to set you up for the most powerful journey possible.

We'll review where you are now and where you want to go. Then we'll fill that gap in with first, second and third steps. You may remember that I said the formula for creating magic includes action. You know just what actions to take.

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